My cosmos 2Thank you, thank you, Thank you! Each of you who have responded to me have woven a cosmic net of healing around me.  You have proved to me the bond of love and recognition that I have hoped is there in my cosmos.  Your words buoy me, encourage me and recognize me…as I recognize you. My little sketch shows each of you, a golden planet, and all of us are connected.  You might imagine that each planet is also surrounded by a similar rainbow star and network.

Many people have visited me in person over this month and I am deeply grateful.  Thank you to Chisako who came from Japan the week I left the hospital.  Your touch and presence were so essential to my unfolding. Thank you to my brother, Tom Barker, who flew here at the last minute to support me and also help with his medical expertise.  Our bond is stronger because you were here. Thank you to so many others who have given me a quiet hour here or there tolaugh with me and listen to my stories and tell me your own when I needed to be filled. And all of the healers, so many, who are sending me energy from near and far.  I feel it.